
Minimalism and Simplicity

The Japanese influence within Japandi interior is emphasized
minimalism and simplicity. It's all about a tidy environment with little
excess decorations. Empty spaces are appreciated and emphasize the
beauty of simplicity.

Natural materials

Scandinavian design is known for its use
natural materials such as wood, while Japanese design principles often work
with natural stone, bamboo and paper. In Japandi you often see a combination of
these materials, which ensures a harmonious mix of textures and colors.

Color palette

The colors are generally soothing and
neutral, with lots of white, beige, gray and earth tones. The goal is to have one
create a calming and relaxing atmosphere.

Functionality and Sustainability

Scandinavian design is known for its functionality
approach and the Japandi style retains this aspect. Furniture and decorative pieces are
often both beautiful and functional. Sustainability also plays an important role,
with an emphasis on the use of high-quality, sustainable materials.


Another Japanese concept that becomes Japandi
appreciated, is "wabi-sabi". This includes the idea of ​​the beauty of imperfection and impermanence. It can be seen in the choice of handmade items, rough textures and natural elements that show the signs of aging.

Minimalist Decoration

Decorations are carefully chosen and placed around
maintain the tranquility of the space. Plants often play an important role
bringing life to the space and connecting the natural
elements with the interior.

Spatial Design

The space is often decorated in such a way that it creates a feeling
of spaciousness and openness is created. Light plays an important role here
roll, with plenty of natural light let in.

Japandi style offers a balanced approach to
design, where the tranquility of the Japanese aesthetic goes together with the warmth and
coziness of Scandinavian design. It is an inviting and calming one
style that combines functionality with sophistication.